Guess I'm doing good, I have more than one post here. Everyone is doing great, Liz is getting ready to go back to school. I think I'm going to have a fight on my hands with the school, looks like they may be the ones responsible for passing her to a sophomore without an Algebra I credit.
Sarah should be starting here at DI in a few days, they have her offer letter in HR so all she has to do is take the drug test. YAHOO!
I wanted to post another LO of Aryia, I'm really starting to dig this digi scrap stuff (no pun intended). It is so much easier than traditional scrapping and a whole lot less messier. LOL!
This is what we refer to as the "lazy" chair, she props her feet up like this every time we put her in the highchair.
credits: Ava collection by Gypsychick, Template #1 by Kirsten Schreck
Oh by the way, we will probably be walking before the weekend is over
original post 8/17/07
Don't have a great day, Make it a Great DAY!